Your Comfort


We don’t want you to be scared when you visit. Believe it or not, we’re dental patients too and we didn’t always know so much about teeth.

 We remember what it feels like to be afraid or unsure about whether or not things will hurt. Your comfort is our priority, so never be afraid to call Dr. Bizeau and ask about your options, or to bring it up during a check-up.



Also known as “Laughing Gas.” It’s a blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide delivered through a mask that helps you relax before a treatment. It doesn’t put you to sleep, which is okay, since you’ll probably like it after a few minutes. You’ll also be okay to drive afterwards.



If you get particularly nervous before treatment, we may suggest conscious sedation. We’ll select an option best suited for you from a variety of oral medications to ease any pre-treatment discomfort or anxiety. You may become sleepy or foggy, but you will still be conscious. Some of our patients report a mild amnesia effect. All “Conscious Sedation” options and the specifics regarding particular medications would be discussed and explained before the day of your treatment, so you’ll be in the loop and comfortable well beforehand. With this option, we do require that you bring someone along to help get you home.



Also called minimal sedation, it’s the pairing of nitrous oxide and oral sedation. With minimal sedation you may respond normally to verbal commands and may experience some degree of amnesia about your treatment during the dental appointment. Combination sedation eases the process for you, helps you relax, and ensures that we can attend to you with minimal complication. We do require supervision after your visit, at least until the effects of the medication have completely passed, but you can make a day out of it with someone special and use it as an excuse to spend time with them after the medication has worn off. That’s what we like to do.


I really like your philosophy on dental care and had a very pleasant experience with Dr. Gabe.
— Cathryn